Intangibleland does it again

October 26, 2010 at 8:38 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 8 Comments

Once again I state for the record that I love Intangibleland, and also the 1970s. Once again, the intersection of these two things has given us comedy gold.


I mean, the pale blue stripper pants on the hairy pornstache man are hilarious enough, but WHAT in GOD’S NAME is that thing on the left?????? It’s like a peekaboo kaftan reject from a Star Wars film and I don’t…words cannot express my WTF over it, seriously. I mean…WHAT IS THAT MEANT TO BE.

And you know he’s naked under there. Truly and honestly, the only thing that would make it better is if there was surprise!penis poking out of the thigh-high slit he’s got going on there.

Tumblr truly is the best thing ever.

Crossposting to all my journals, because this is too good not to share everywhere. Apologies to those of you who see this more than once.


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  1. Considering that the slit down the front is meant to be a slit Down The Front, I think the whole point of the design is surpris!penis. [wry smile]
    My whole family had caftans when I was a kid in the seventies — polyester doubleknit caftans, no less. My mom got into sewing, took some Stretch-and-Sew classes which convinced her that knits were going to take over the world and within ten years or so no one would be weaving fabric anymore [cough] and she made us a bunch of stuff. The caftans were actually very comfortable; I hung out in mine weekend mornings, and slept in it when it was cold. πŸ™‚
    Ours didn’t have peek-a-boo slits in them, though. πŸ˜›

    • Someone did point out to me that he does seem to be pulling it to the side a little, presumably so bits don’t fall out. He looks quite unperturbed by the whole thing though, which I suppose makes sense given the time period.
      We never had caftans that I remember (there’s certainly no photographic evidence of us kids in them, anyway), but I can see how they would be comfortable. God bless the 70s!

    • Someone did point out to me that he does seem to be pulling it to the side a little, presumably so bits don’t fall out. He looks quite unperturbed by the whole thing though, which I suppose makes sense given the time period.

      We never had caftans that I remember (there’s certainly no photographic evidence of us kids in them, anyway), but I can see how they would be comfortable. God bless the 70s!

  2. Considering that the slit down the front is meant to be a slit Down The Front, I think the whole point of the design is surpris!penis. [wry smile]

    My whole family had caftans when I was a kid in the seventies — polyester doubleknit caftans, no less. My mom got into sewing, took some Stretch-and-Sew classes which convinced her that knits were going to take over the world and within ten years or so no one would be weaving fabric anymore [cough] and she made us a bunch of stuff. The caftans were actually very comfortable; I hung out in mine weekend mornings, and slept in it when it was cold. πŸ™‚
    Ours didn’t have peek-a-boo slits in them, though. πŸ˜›


  3. I have no words for the garment on the left…

  4. I have no words for the garment on the left…

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