Favourite books of 2010

December 31, 2010 at 11:36 pm | Posted in Books of the year, Reading | Leave a comment
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I keep a list of books I read at Goodreads, but it’s just a list, I don’t review there. I don’t actually think I’m very good at reviewing, so I don’t do it in any sort of official way, although you can be pretty sure that if a book makes it on to Goodreads I liked it, because I don’t bother to finish the ones that aren’t doing it for me, and I don’t note the ones I don’t finish down. However, since there’s half an hour left of 2010, I thought I’d jot down some relatively spoiler-free thoughts on the books I read this year that I particularly enjoyed. You shouldn’t expect anything deep and meaningful though.


Not a Terminator sequel

December 22, 2010 at 7:17 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments
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It’s quite hard to believe that it’s almost 2011. I’ve dropped off the face of the earth recently, as I tend to do – something to rectify in the new year, for sure – because I’ve been quite busy. Apart from work stuff, which is always busy, I’ve bought a house and finished writing a novel. It’s quite hard to buy a house and try to finish a novel at the same time, I discovered. Very hard, in fact. But I did manage it, and I only wanted to shout at my lawyer and my bank guy a few times, which was a miracle, all things considered. Not that wanting to shout at them had anything to do with the novel. Not directly, anyway.

But I’m happy because now I have a lovely house that I’ll move into in a couple of weeks, and 66,000 words that manage to come together to form something resembling a coherent story, so yay. I’ve heard back from one of my betas, and once it’s back from the others I’ll shine it up and submit it in the new year, in between packing books into boxes.

So far it’s the longest thing I’ve written, with my two published things being shorts of ~8,000 words. Finishing something so long was a very weird experience. It was a lot like when I finished writing my PhD thesis, which took me 11 months (5 months full time, 6 months part time, ugh what a slog that was) – on the one hand I was so incredibly relieved it was done, but on the other hand it was very strange to come home from work and not have anything that I had to do. Right now I am enjoying having a little writing break over the holidays, but then I also can’t stop thinking about what to do next. I have a Color Box for Torquere due in April, but that’s a fair way away yet. I have some ideas for more short stories, which I can fit in with the Color Box, and also 10k worth of words for another novel in progress, which I can’t. But I can’t really decide what I want to do.

So far I am dealing with this paralysing indecision by lying around on my mother’s lounge watching cooking shows on cable and eating ice cream. Because that’s another thing, I’m not at home at the moment, I’m in Australia, at my mother’s for Christmas. I’ve been here for a few days and have a few days to go before I leave to go back to NZ. History tells me that I never write anything while I’m away from home, and given that it’s Christmas, that’s not likely to change now. So I probably shouldn’t worry about it at all and just continue to watch the Food channel and eat ice cream. Sounds like a plan.

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